Saturday, March 19, 2011

Davis had his two month check up on Thursday.  He weighed 12lbs and was 23 inches long.  Doctor Livingston said he was probably actually much longer and to be honest the nurse didn't even try to straighten his legs when she measured him.  Maybe she was going easy since he was due for shots.  When he was two weeks old he got his first shot and I discovered I was not prepared.  The nurse stuck him and he didn't make a peep.  I was amazed.  Then he looked up at me, his face was the color of a tomato, eyes clamped shut and mouth wide open.  Still no sound.  It took a couple of seconds for the sound to come, like when you get a really bad cut and all you see is white for a while before the blood starts gushing.  That's what it reminded me of.  Eventually the scream started gushing and it hit me like a ton of bricks -I cried.  There should be a rule that no one is allowed to make a child sound like that until the mother has exited the postpartum hormone roller coaster.  Good news is we learned what Davis' true hurt cry sounds like.  Really its more of a shriek than a cry.  Short bursts of extremely high pitched shrieks. 

This round of shots I came prepared for the shrieking and crying.  I really thought it would be much worse considering he was getting three shots.  Those nurses have it down though.  He had one nurse on each leg and I don't even think the whole process took more than a second.  He did shriek a bit, but after a couple of seconds he was back to smiling and laughing.  He actually seemed kinda proud of his little blue band-aided legs.  I was proud when Dr. Livingston said that developmentally, Davis is "way ahead of the ballgame".  Obviously we think he is the smartest, strongest kid in the world but it was nice to have a little validation on that. 
Aubrey picked out his St. Patties day onsie.  The best part was EVERYTHING in that room was green. After the nurses left we heard one say loud enough for the whole clinic to hear, "that was sure a green baby!"  I wish she would have been close enough for me to comment that he was only slightly greener than the walls.

Thursday also happened to be my first day working out of the house since Davis was born.  It was a good day.  I felt a little out of my element but I'm sure it will all come back to me.  I kind of felt like no one really remembered me though.  Or maybe they just didn't notice I ever left?  It's also possible since I got pregnant literally the day after I took the job that no one recognizes me without my impossibly large pregnant belly.

I think its so cool that Aubrey gets to keep Davis while I'm at work.  I can just imagine all the manly father son outings they will come up with.  He is such a good dad.  This morning he fed Davis before he went to work and I got to sleep in.  Sleeping in until seven thirty doesn't sound like much but it sure felt good!  When Aubrey came to kiss me goodbye I told him thank you for feeding Davis and you know what he said?  "Sure.  It was fun".  Isn't that the sweetest thing you've ever heard?  I am one lucky girl. 

I was a little late taking Davis' two month pictures.  So I guess they are his two and a half month pics.  But here they are.  These are also the pictures I sent Aubrey at work today.

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