Monday, April 18, 2011

Okay its official...I have the happiest baby in the world.  I don't think he could resist smiling if he wanted to.  Sometimes he makes a sad face and if you smile at him his little face muscles just slowly turn to make a smile.  It's great, and so predictable.  He seriously does it every time.  And he laughs no matter what you say, as long as you say it in a happy voice.  Aubrey and I have a conversation at least once a day about how lucky we are to be his parents.  Usually followed by some comment about how beautiful he is.  I am re-amazed every time I look at pictures.  He really should be in some form of baby advertising.  He's way better looking than the actual Gerber baby.  I swear on my life I do not airbrush his pictures.  He just naturally has that baby glow.

Davis has had a couple of busy weeks since my last post.  Two weekends ago Drew, Madison and Ainsley came to visit.  It was Ainsley's first trip to Arkansas and I got to babysit while Drew and Madison went out for some much needed play time.  Ainsley was exactly a month old.  Interesting the differences between her and Davis.  She is a much more still baby.  Davis was always wide eyed and wiggly.  He has kicked and punched since day one.  He wants so badly to go somewhere.  If you hold down whatever part of his body is moving, he starts moving another one.  Ainsley was more content hanging out.  She didn't seem to really care if you were in the same room or not, she was just content to be there by herself napping or looking around.  I took some pictures of her and Davis while she was here.  I couldn't resist the Razorback clothes since they are both destined to be Razorback fans.
Madison and Drew bought Davis a Johnny Jump up.  I thought as much as he likes to stand and jump in my lap that he would be a pro but he hasn't quite figured it out yet.  However, Zoe is super excited that he's upright and nose level.

 Leenie also came to visit that week and brought her friends with her.  They were so funny reminiscing about their babies.  Davis was quieter than normal that day.  I'm not sure he wanted to compete with all the lady chatter.  But he was very interested in Rosalind's pink rhinestone glasses. Probably because none of the women in his life are quite that sparkly.  It was fun to show him off and so sweet of them all to come
Then Pop stopped by to visit when he was up in NWA for work.  I think Davis was much more in his element that day because he laughed and played with Pop.  Maybe he just gets shy in front of a crowd.


Well, he had his first bubble bath in the big bathtub.  He absolutely loved it!    He swam his little booty off in that tub with a very determined look on his face.  That kid is going to take off swimming the moment I let go of him.  I was surprised at his buoyancy.  All I had to do was rest my hand under his head and he stayed above water.  He might have stayed afloat without my hand but I wasn't brave enough to try.  Davis was in the tub for an hour.  Aubrey and I were cracking up the whole time.
His new favorite thing to do is turn circles in his crib.  He kicks and squirms until he gets an arm or leg out and then screams bloody murder until I come rescue him.
And there is the drool.  The day after Aubrey noticed he didn't drool at all....the flood gates opened.  I guess those salivary glands had to start working eventually, but he wakes up from every nap with his face in a puddle.  His new found circle turning technique is probably just to keep his face dry.

We've been working on sitting.  He does pretty good in the bumbo, but if you prop him up on the couch he eventually melts to one side.  While I am not looking forward to him crawling, thank goodness he is light years away, I would love to see him sit up by himself.  He doesn't seem to have thought at all about crawling.  He can hold his body up with his arms for a long time, he just doesn't care to do it very often.

He still loves to look at himself in the mirror.  He really cracks himself up.  I think at this point its safe to say he is easily amused.  
We took Davis to his first "First Thursday" on the square.  He is an old lady charmer.  They love him and he, of course, smiles when they talk nice to him which makes them keep talking.  I've started planning my Walmart trips when he's asleep because it takes so long to get anything done with my charming, smiling son.
And this Sunday was Davis' first trip to Church.  Yes, we are heathens for waiting until he was three months old but when he's old enough we'll lie and say we took him earlier when we're giving him the guilt trip about how we worked so hard to instill good morals into our children.
He also got to see Aubrey in his fancy Class A uniform for work.  The Patriot flag came to Fayetteville on its journey to New York.  It is traveling across the country and stopping at fire departments along the way to a 9-11 tribute in NYC.  The flag weighs 250 pounds!  I couldn't resist the photo opportunity of my handsome husband in uniform.

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures that Aubrey and I sent to each other at work.